Stater (στατήρ, Weight). Conversion Chart

This conversion page features historical units (ancient, medieval, etc.) that are mostly no longer in use. If you are looking for units of weight that are used today, including many national units of various countries, please switch to our main weight and mass conversion page.
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1This is a conversion chart for stater (στατήρ, weight) (Ancient Greek (Attic/Eubolic standard)). To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it.
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2Enter the value you want to convert (stater (στατήρ, weight)). Then click the Convert Me button.
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3Now find the unit you want and get the conversion result next to it. It's your answer.

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  2. Touch "Convert Me" button.
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We only include several basic units here for you to convert historical units to contemporary ones. A more comprehensive list of metric units is available on the main weight conversion page.
Units: tonne  / kilogram (kg)  / gram (g)
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Avoirdupois (U.S.)

We only include several basic units here for you to convert historical units to contemporary ones. A more comprehensive list of U.S. units is available on the main weight conversion page.
Units: short ton (US)  / pound (lb)  / ounce (oz)
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Ancient Greek (Attic/Eubolic standard)

Many ancient weights were associated with currency designating the corresponding amount of silver. The same was true for Greek units of weight. There were two dominant weight standard, one originated in Euboea (second largest Greek island after Crete), the other was from Aegina. Archeologists have found though the real weights used in different cities varied greatly.
Units: talent (τάλαντον)  / mina (μνᾶ)  / dekadrachm (δεκάδραχμον, 10 drachmae)  / tetradrachm (τετράδραχμον, 4 drachmae)  / didrachm (δίδραχμον, 2 drachmae)  /  / drachma (δραχμή, dram)  / tetrobol (τετρώβολον, 4 obols)  / triobol (τριώβολον, 3 obols)  / diobol (διώβολον, 2 obols)  / obol (ὀβολός)  / tritartemorion (τριτημόριον, 3 tetartemoria)  / hemiobol (ἡμιωβόλιον, ½ obol)  / trihemitetartemorion (τριημιτεταρτημόριον, 1½ tetartemorion)  / tetartemorion (ταρτημόριον, ¼ obol)  / hemitetartemorion (ἡμιτεταρτημόριον, ½ tetartemorion)
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Ancient Greek (Aeginetic standard)

During ancient times Aegina was a rival of Athens, the great sea power of the era.
Units: talent (τάλαντον)  / mina (μνᾶ)  / dekadrachm (δεκάδραχμον, 10 drachmae)  / tetradrachm (τετράδραχμον, 4 drachmae)  / didrachm (δίδραχμον, 2 drachmae)  / stater (στατήρ, weight)  / drachma (δραχμή, dram)  / tetrobol (τετρώβολον, 4 obols)  / triobol (τριώβολον, 3 obols)  / diobol (διώβολον, 2 obols)  / obol (ὀβολός)  / tritartemorion (τριτημόριον, 3 tetartemoria)  / hemiobol (ἡμιωβόλιον, ½ obol)  / trihemitetartemorion (τριημιτεταρτημόριον, 1½ tetartemorion)  / tetartemorion (ταρτημόριον, ¼ obol)  / hemitetartemorion (ἡμιτεταρτημόριον, ½ tetartemorion)
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Ancient Roman

The base Roman unit of weight was libra (Roman pound) that contained 12 uncias. Modern estimates of the libra ranges from 322 to 329 grams with 328.9 grams an accepted figure. The base unit for coins was as that used to be 12 uncias initially and then gradually reduced to only half an uncia. Another silver coin was called denarius equal to 10 asses (from Latin dēnī - containing ten), it was later recalibrated to contain 16 asses or four sestertii. A literal meaning of each unit is given in parentheses.
Units: libra (Roman pound, balance)  / deunx (11⁄12 libra, less a twelfth)  / dextans (10⁄12 libra, less a sixth)  / dodrans (9⁄12 libra, less a fourth)  / bes (8⁄12 libra, two of an as)  / septunx (7⁄12 libra, seven-twelfths)  / semis (6⁄12 libra, a half)  / quincunx (5⁄12 libra, five-twelfths)  / triens (4⁄12 libra, a third)  / quadrans (1⁄4 libra, a fourth)  / teruncius (3⁄12 libra, triple twelfth)  / sextans (2⁄12 libra, a sixth)  / sescuncia (1⁄8 libra, 1½ twelfths)  / uncia (Roman ounce, a twelfth)  / semuncia (½ uncia, half-twelfth)  / duella (⅓ uncia, little double [sixths])  / sicilicus (¼ uncia, little sickle)  / sextula (1⁄6 uncia, little sixth)  / drachma (1⁄8 uncia, from Greek unit δραχμή)  / semisextula (1⁄12 uncia, half-little sixth)  / scrupulum (1⁄24 uncia, small pebble)  / obolus (1⁄48 uncia, from Greek unit ὀβολός 'metal spit')  / siliqua (1⁄144 uncia, carat, carob seed)
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Baha'i Faith Units

The Bahá'í Faith is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. It was establised in Persia in 1863.
Units: mithqal  / nakhud
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Old Portuguese

These units were used in Portugal, Brazil and other countries of the Portuguese Empire until the adoption of the metric system in 19th century.
Units: tonelada  / quintal  / arroba  / arrátel (libra)  / quarta  / onça  / oitava  / escrópulo  / grão
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Old French

There were many local variations; the following are Quebec and Paris definitions
Units: quintal  / livre
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Old Swedish

Common measurement system was introduced in Sweden by law in 1665. The oldest units like mark were used since Viking era. Sweden switched to metric system in 1889.
Units: skeppspund  / lispund  / bismerpund  / skålpund  / mark  / ort

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Does really exist since 1996? In fact it's even older. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. The service was slow. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now.
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