Liter Of LPG, Lower Heating Value. Conversion Chart

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1This is a conversion chart for liter of LPG, lower heating value (Liquefied Petrolium Gas (LPG) Energy Equivalent). To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it.
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2Enter the value you want to convert (liter of LPG, lower heating value). Then click the Convert Me button.
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3Now find the unit you want and get the conversion result next to it. It's your answer.

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International System (SI)

Units: megajoule (MJ)  / kilojoule (kJ)  / joule (J)
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Common Units

Units: megacalorie (Mcal)  / kilocalorie (kcal)  / calorie (cal)  / kilowatt hour (kW*h)  / watt hour (W*h)  / watt second (W*s)  / horsepower hour (hp*h)  / Celsius heat unit (CHU)  / frigoria (fg)  / metre-kilogram (mkg)  / cubic centimeter of atmosphere, standard cubic centimeter (scc)  / liter-atmosphere (l atm)  / erg  / electronvolt (eV)
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British and American

Units: quad  / therm  / British Thermal Unit (BTU)  / million BTU (MMBTU)  / foot-pound (ft*lbs)  / cubic foot of atmosphere, standard cubic foot (scf)  / cubic yard of atmosphere, standard cubic yard (scy)  / gallon-atmosphere (US)  / gallon-atmosphere (UK)
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TNT Energy Equivalent

Units: tonne (metric) of TNT  / ton of TNT  / kilogram of TNT
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Oil Energy Equivalent

Units: gigatonne of oil equivalent (Gtoe)  / megatonne of oil equivalent (Mtoe)  / tonne of oil equivalent (toe)  / billion barrel of oil equivalent (BBOE)  / kilobarrel of oil equivalent (kBOE)  / barrel of oil equivalent (BOE)
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Natural Gas Energy Equivalent

Natural gas is measured in normal cubic meters (corresponding to 0°C at 101.325 kPa) or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to 60°F/16°C and 14.73 psi)
Units: million of normal cubic meters of natural gas  / million of standard cubic feet of natural gas  / thousand of normal cubic meters of natural gas  / thousand of standard cubic feet of natural gas  / normal cubic meter of natural gas  / standard cubic foot of natural gas
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Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Energy Equivalent

Energy value of a liquefied natural gas depends on the source of the gas and he process that is used to liquefy the gas. We provide conversion for a typical energy value. The actual energy may vary up to 15%.

Higher heating value includes the energy of water vaporization. Lower heating value considers vapor not to be useful and does not count its energy.

Units: kilogram of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value  / kilogram of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value  / pound of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value  / pound of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value  / liter of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value  / liter of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value
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Liquefied Petrolium Gas (LPG) Energy Equivalent

Liquefied Petrolium Gas (LPG or LP gas) is often reffered as simply propane or butane. Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are mostly propane (C₃H₈), mostly butane (C₄H₁₀) and, most commonly, mixes including both propane and butane.

Energy value of a LPG depends on a particular mixture of propane and butane. We provide conversion for a typical energy value. The actual energy may vary up to 10%.

Higher heating value includes the energy of water vaporization. Lower heating value considers vapor not to be useful and does not count its energy.

Units: kilogram of LPG, higher heating value  / kilogram of LPG, lower heating value  / pound of LPG, higher heating value  / pound of LPG, lower heating value  / liter of LPG, higher heating value  /
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Coal Energy Equivalent

Units: gigatonne of coal equivalent (Gtce)  / megatonne of coal equivalent (Mtce)  / tonne of coal equivalent (tce)  / Tonne of Russian fuel equivalent unit  / Russian fuel equivalent unit
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Natural units

In physics, natural units are physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants. The origin of their definition comes only from properties of nature and not from any human construct.
Units: Planck energy (L²MT⁻²)

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Does really exist since 1996? In fact it's even older. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. The service was slow. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now.
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